Sweet potato pancake and bihun goreng cina for ur little one | Wonderful motherhood
Wonderful motherhood

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sweet potato pancake and bihun goreng cina for ur little one

Okay...just share 2 simple recipe

Sweet potato pancake (8 months)

2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1/2 cup cooked sweet potatoes, mashed
1 egg (or 2 egg yolks)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup milk (or more)

Mix sweet potatoes in a mixing bowl with egg. Stir in the flour and add the baking powder.
Add up to 1/3 cup of milk while stirring. Stir in 1 tbsp butter.
The mixture should have the consistency of thick, lumpy sauce like an "instant" pancake mix.
Place a non-stick or heavy iron skillet over medium heat on top of the stove and add 1/2 tsp butter.

Spoon batter into the skillet and cook until bubbles rise to the surface of the pancakes and break. Approx. 1 to 2 minutes.
Using a spatula, flip the pancakes and cook another 2 minutes.
Remove pancakes from the skillet and keep warm on a covered plate in the oven. Freezes Well.

Source : http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/sweetpotatobabyfoodrecipes.htm

Banyak gak adunan ni. Dapat lah 2 "mickey mouse" mcm atas. Alif makan habislah jugak part telinga..selebihnya dia wat main2..Afham reject (haha tekak melayu makan nasi nasi nasi) . Lebihan yg xabes, ibu makan..blhla walau pancake xfluffy tapi rasa manis2 keledek

Bihun goreng cina

Ikan bilis
Bawang putih
Bawang merah
Olive oil
Carrot - potong halus2
Kuning telur

Masak sama mcm masak bihun dewasa..sayur mayur tu ikut suka la..protein pun blh je letak ayam

Next time kena buat bihun omelet..sbbnya Alif ni suka pegang makanan...wat cmni dia susah sikit nk pegang..so end up kita bg part yg kena telur2 (kan mcm keras2 sikit..dia blhla pegang)..oh ya ni 1st time bg dia bihun..okla bnyk gak dia makan walau bihun tu terkurang air ..


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