This happened last year, exactly during fasting month 2012 . Most of the time we visited furniture shops...saje cuci mata
Never had intention to buy furniture. So end up both of us fall in love with Macy sale...ok pergi macy 2-3 kali sebabnya xboleh fikir nk beli ke tak, nak beli ke tak
Before that we visited Avenue @ Puchong, even asked if there is 0% installment...but to our disappoinment they cannot offer 0% installment..even some furniture more than our budget
While visiting Macy, we found out that they have great sale..Package A, B and C..You can choose either to take the whole package (which I think great bargain if you took the whole package..around RM8k you can get living room set, dining set and bedroom set)
But, since already have bedroom and dining set, we just look for living room set. Another good thing Macy offer 0% installment for almost credit card (Big yay...I knew some not agree berhutang..but sometimes its better in sense bulan2 pun belum tentu duit tu ke saving, so bayar secara ansuran at least we knew where our money spend..tak gitu)
Package A |
Package A - Living room |
Package B |
Package B - Living room (first visit) |
Package B - Living room (second visit kot..bila tanya SA, nape dah corak lain..dia kata yg haritu dh bg pinjam kat outlet lain) |
Package C |
Package C - Living room |
Package C - Living room from other angle
Cuci mata gak tengok apa2 yg sale selain dr pakej2 kat atas tu
Both of us have some personal preference..ops gambar kat bawah tu org xposa minum air
After calculating and considering design (rumah kecik so kena adjust gak) end up we choose Package Z (eh bkn A,B atau C kan) Ha...I let you keep guess until the final reveal (sabo ye kalau kena tggu smpi 6 bulan lagik klu nk tau)
Till then..(noticed something after that whenever visited Macy xde nampak sale cmni, agaknya setahun sekali je kot)
huaaaaa.. nk jugak.... nk g lawat mact jgk la...!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlemak..lamanya nk kena tunggu full stori..hihu blh tgk jela macy ni...nak masuknpun dah gerun ok...selalu bajet yg tak tercapai dek akal...utk saye ler...hihi
patiently wait for full reveal!
suka pakej C..hehe..pakej Z pun mesti cantik jugak
ReplyDeleteFizah, kita pun gerun...xpenah pun masuk macy smpi la taun lepas...klu ikut bayar cash xmampu, naseb ada 0% instalment..lps kira2 rasa cam ok (lps ni idakle tukar furniture guna smpi fully utilized)