Well, I think in Malaysia not much option we have (takat voucher Jusco, Tesco itu ajelah kan?)
But at least there is something that really hit Malaysia currently...online discount for products, foods, hotel and such
For this first part I will share some of purchase that I made (Ok klu accumulated banyak dah spend tapi ni dari taun 2010 kot..)
The first website that I knew was milkadeal.com. Then slowly I noticed more and more online discount website! Phew but believe me not all those website are really good (I mean please check their fb or any social network..some website have more complaint from customers!)
1. Milkadeal
The first voucher...ada post gambar outdoor kami dlm blog ni |
Yg ni pun dh tunjuk final productnya baru2 ni |
Later will share the final product |
2. Dealmates
Belikan tuk husband, hadiah belated birthday...pstu rasa pilih kaler lain, dapat plak kaler lain..naseb husband ok je |
Ermm I received the wrong product..malas dh nak beli lagi dr website ni... |
Nasib dapat product yg betul walau agak lewat sikit dr tarikh jangkaan yg diorg bagi |
From now on, I tried to avoid Dealmates, sebab dah 2 kali terkena...malas nk report ke hape...bkn nak buruk2kan business diorg tapi klu korang check fb diorg korg akan tau la...
I will share the rest on Part 2 and Part 3 for some personal tips (hopefully bolehla membantu sikit2 tuk org yg baru nk berjinak2, tapi klu korg kena marah sbb terspend lebay tu den xdapek nk nolong)..
Klu tgk banyak beli brg2 tuk rumah gak kan...kdg rasa certain items blh dpt kat kedai tapi berjalan ngan anak2 ni alahai, baru nk belek2 Alif dh sebok benda lain. So another option for me, shopping online jelah...smbil2 tu ada gak kdg2 brg2 baru mcm Pantree (hehe sbb sy suka makeover lps kemas dapur haritu :) )
So stay tuned
saya selalu pakai group on, my deal, milkadeal dan streetdeal. so far, keempat2 nya ok.tapi yg dealmates tak penah guna lagi. tiba2 seram hehe