I hate my... | Wonderful motherhood
Wonderful motherhood

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I hate my...


And thinking to quit immediately..So mafan *ini degree kemarahan sudah menggelegak..tau pregnant x elok cakap benda2 xbaik..*

The only thing makes me stayed sbbnya pregnant...klu x dh lama surat cinta dihantar *I admit I worked in 1 co only for 2 years after that usually work review will end up makes me to resign and start with new co*

Just coming back from check up..and of course after asking Dr Hamidah she advised me not to take early leave..kerjalah sehingga dh sakit nk bersalin *okeh last time sminggu dok rumah bosan menunggu delivery day*...but now I think coming to work driving me crazy *sudahle kerja sdiri xsiap, nak ajar staf temp lagik, nk ajar guna SAP tu cmner, kena jugakler wt documentation in case temp lupa step (ha amik mcm2 aku spoon feed kat temp..tak gitu?), kena buat sikit kerja org dh resign –replacement hanya dtg 16/6...and 101 other –ve thinking*

The only think makes me +ve, its 3 months maternity leave, skip August closing (imagine closing and raya at same time..bujang mebi xpelah..dh kawen kirim salam lah suh keje time raya), and of course xpayah amik cuti raya

Baby, dok dlm perut ibu elok2 ya...klu nk keluar pun lepas 20/6. Amin


  1. Heyya!!! I'm happy knowing you pregnant aganin!!!! wah!!! Cepat sungguh!!!! :) Bagus.... Aku planning tahun depan.... Pray for me ok??!!! I hope all is well for you..... Insya'Allah.... Banyak2 bersabar kay, mummy rehan!!!


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