Storing eggs and condensed milk | Wonderful motherhood
Wonderful motherhood

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Storing eggs and condensed milk

Selamat berpuasa semua Muslimin Muslimat :)

I think it has been quite sometimes I do not share any organizing things.

Perhaps because most of the time, the house in “tongkang karam” mode

Krik krik krik

Tapi hari ni kita share la tip menyimpan makanan

Storing eggs
Source here and here 

Completely fresh eggs should be good in the fridge for up to one month - but be sure to store them in the back of the fridge (NOT the door!). Your fridge door may have one of those handy egg holders in it, but it's also the warmest spot in the fridge... not ideal for the storage of eggs at all, particularly those intended for your baby!

Eggs should not be stored on the refrigerator door, but in the main body of the refrigerator to ensure that they keep a consistent and cool temperature.

Ni biasanya tempat simpan telur dalam peti ais

I used to keep the egg on the refrigerator door, until last three years when I decided to upgrade the refrigerator (main reason during that time : EBM stock).

The upgraded refrigerator do not have egg space at the door, they only came with egg basket (I don’t like the egg basket because the egg not nicely stored).

So after looking up and down, I found egg storage box at Jusco, which can keep 10 eggs per box. (since beli telur sepapan 30 biji, maka 3 bekas beli). Couldn’t remember the price, but if not mistaken around RM7-9 each.
Bekas telur beli kat Jusco, basket egg tu wat simpan kaya, peanut butter and so on

Only later I found at Daiso (mmg carik kat Daiso masa tu tapi 2 Daiso xde – maybe masa tu tak bawak masuk lagi)…kalau beli kat Daiso RM5 tapi pernah jumpa boleh store 8 biji telur

Bekas simpan telur ni pun cam comel kan? Source here

Storing condensed milk
Tips from here 

Anda jangan:
Menyimpan makanan dalam tin yang telah dibuka dalam peti sejuk. Pindahkan makanan tersebut ke dalam bekas plastik atau kaca sebelum disimpan ke dalam peti sejuk. (Ini adalah kerana jika disimpan dalam tin yang asal, kandungannya akan bertindak balas dengan logam tin tersebut apabila terdedah ke udara)

Yang ni baru je kemudian beralih arah. Last time simpan susu pekat dalam bekas plastik yang old school tu (adeh korg tau kan yang ada muat masuk tin susu pstu tepi tu ada boleh letak air sikit).Pftt puas google tapi keluar gambar plastic simpan EBM

Lepas baca tip kat atas tu barulah carik bekas yg sesuai…maka beli je kat kedai plastik (kalau ikut cam xberapa nk kenan ngan design tapi xpelah pakai selagi boleh). Amik la yg ada pemegang, supaya senang nk pegang

Ha kena la amik tahu cara penyimpanan makanan yg betul juga, betul tak?


  1. tips yang bagus ni... senang nak simpan..

    p/s: terima kasih sudi join. blog ini tersenarai di

  2. nak jugaaaaa >o<

    salam from indonesia :D
    singgah sini dari blog mialiana :D

  3. perkongsian yg bagus..boleh cri bekas telur tuh tp kt tpt sy xde daiso

  4. Nice sharing sis, Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1435H

    Jalan-jalan bw malam dari segmen blogwalking sis mia liana :)

    Jom Terjah : Buffet Ramadhan Casa Ombak (ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

  5. singgah dan follow sini dari blog mialiana :))


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