GM Klang : Decorative shelves | Wonderful motherhood
Wonderful motherhood

Monday, January 20, 2014

GM Klang : Decorative shelves

I knew there is 2 famous wholesale centres - GM Klang and Kenanga...but never had any intention to go there simply because of the kids (ok malas nk bawak tempat2 yg maybe ramai org, bnyk brg...)

So when one fine day husband suggested to go GM Klang, I just couldn't say no...dalam hati gumbira nk pegi (of course be prepared dgn bawak 2 org askar)

And thankfully, I think most of the time we went there kids behave (ok tipu sikit kena beli something for them...which usually end up with toys, xpa sbb pilih yg murah)

There is 2 different buiding at GM Klang...hat yg tinggi besar tu most likely jual baju2, mainan, dan mcm2 barang gak. yg lagi satu 1 level je...dipanggil GM Expo jual barang rumah..ada kedai perabot, kedai langsir, kedai plastik, dan brg2 deko rumah

There is one shop inside GM Expo that selling decorative shelves that can makes me wanna almost everything. They were friendly because the sales assistants told me that I can snap any picture from the file they have (to give us some ideas how to put in the shelves...). There is no right and wrong, you can mix and match

The price range depends on the size and design. But good things the more you buy, the more discount you will get (nama pun tempat borong kannn?)

Anyway I bought for our house but till now still in the box (haha mood deko2 dh ke laut). 

Eyh..sure la readers nak tahu kedai mana kan?

BTL Home Deco
GM Trade and Expo Centre
Pavilion 3

Leh click sini ( untuk tengok kedai apa lagi ada kat GM Trade and Expo Centre (kot2 nk pegi sekali beli mcm2 kan...)

Map nak pegi (haha relevan ke map di zaman Waze nih?)

Ni pulak amik gambar kat fb GM (, lampu pun ada kat BTL Home Deco ni

(ni bukan sponsored post..cuma kot2 ada yg nak carik decorative shelves ke kan? Haha myself mula2 pi GM ingat baju2 je ada rupa2nya mcm ada)

Lupa pulak, last minit korek2 sume pics baru jumpa la gambar2 snap dr flyer kedai tu


  1. Selalu gi x penah plak gi yg 1 level tu...tq 4info....x sangka lak ada kedai home deko....kena terjah ni...

  2. thanks for sharing!! wajib pegi nyeee

  3. kalau ke sana ni sure rambang mata.. hihihi... ;)


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